This picture was taken by dad, right after birth. I still got some blood on my face. The nurse gave eye-drop right-away to avoid eyes infection.

The hat was to keep me warm, since my body temperature was still unstable. I was put in nursery incubator for two times, because my temperature was dropped. Other than that, I was all fine.

This is 3 day old me. I liked being held in this position, especially on mommy's chest. I could sleep quietly because of hearing mom's heart beat and feeling the warmth of her body. I felt like I was still inside the womb.

I also liked to be held by daddy. This was taken when I was 10day old. Daddy helped mommy taking care of me since the very beginning.

Some people said it was liked Anne Geddes picture...it's 2 week old me on daddy's hand. Little me...

I liked to be wrapped while sleeping. This was one precious moment, I was 15 day old and imitated the angel doll...saying a prayer "Now I lay my down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, may angel guides me through the night, and keeps me with his blessing sight, amen."

I was 1 month old, so serious watching television with my dad. Do not know whether I understood what I watched or not.
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