Mommy was diagnosed with partial placenta previa at 5 month pregnancy. However, Dr Nguyen did not really pay any attention on it, since mommy did not experience bleeding or other complications. Mommy found out on the internet that some women might have placenta previa during early pregnancy and it would not persist later on. Women with placenta previa on the early pregnancy might be just fine at later pregnancy since the placenta will "move up/migrate" along with the expand of the uterus. On the last visit to Dr Nguyen, mom raised up the issue and the doctor asked her to do an ultrasound again just to make sure that the placenta has reached a good position (farther from cervix) . It was on Friday March 30 '2007, and since the doctor considered it was an emergency case, she wrote a letter to a clinic so that mom would not be waiting too long for an appointment and might be able to do the ultrasound even on the weekend. But mom lost the letter when she did a short visit to a restroom in a mall and she did not realize that she did not have the letter with her, not until she arrived at home. So with a full courage, she rang up the clinic and after arguing with the reception, she got an appointment for Tuesday, April 3 '2007.
So on Tuesday, daddy took a day off to take mommy to the clinic to do the ultrasound. The initial aim was to see whether mommy's placenta had moved to the right position and indeed the placenta had migrated up to its position. However, the technician found out that the water has decreased. Therefore, mommy was instructed to go directly to a hospital to get the baby monitored exclusively. Thank God daddy was there, so mommy was not that worried. Then mommy and daddy went to Montreal Jewish General Hospital to get the baby monitored. Mommy was under observation for about 2hours and was 2cm dilated. Seemed like everything was under control, so they let mommy went home.
Mommy was at 39th week of pregnancy at that time, and she had not felt any contraction, or maybe she did not know it was.

The next day, mommy got a call from Dr Nguyen and she told mommy about her decision to induce the labor for early morning the next day-Thursday. The reason was because the following Friday was long weekend, it was Good Friday and Easter weekend. So mommy called daddy at work and told the news.
Thursday, April 5 '2007 at 5.30 am mommy and daddy left to the hospital. It was snowing...can you believe it? It's April already and still snowing. Every thing is white and shiny!
Mommy was scheduled to be induced at 6 o'clock, but it did not happen until around 8am for they did a lot of checking. Mommy was still 2cm dilated and got constant contraction since then, but still it was not strong enough so that mommy was still able to smile and joke around with daddy. Around 1 pm, the contraction got stronger and came every 2-3 minutes and mommy was in pain. Mommy was 6cm dilated when the pain was unbearable. Mommy started mumbling and crying out to God. Daddy was praying too. To minimize the pain, mommy asked for the epidural, but the anaesthetists did not come, not until 3pm. When he came, he was so rude to daddy. And his inappropriate manner made mommy got sick of him and had a second thought about canceling the epidural request. Then mommy asked for examination, and they found out that mommy's cervix was completely dilated. No need for epidural then.
Now came the time to push. Mommy said that pushing minimized the pain. Dr Nguyen was called and arrived at around 3.15pm. Daddy and the hospital crews were big support for mommy. After an hour of pushing and struggling (mommy had breathing difficulty), finally I was born at 4.25pm. I was weigh 3.215 kg, 51cm in length and had cranial circumference of 34.5cm.

It was still snowing outside...every thing was white...so as my name Bianca means white, daddy said that it was a perfect spring time view!
Thank you mommy and daddy for bringing me into this world and for loving me so much...
Thank you Lord for creating and breathing in me so that I may have life in the world You created...
go go momyyyy for this blog i admire u keep on the struggle mom ;)
wah baru liat ada komen...tengkiu Pandi...
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