Mommy said that babies grow fast without the parents realizing. And yes..if you see the pictures here, I had grown so fast.

It was taken when I was 1mo 10 day old. I started to "blow raspberries" with my saliva. Most people would say that I looked naughty and cheeky here.

This was 1mo 2w old me sitting on my new car seat given by auntie Shinta. Thank you auntie..

Mommy started to put on hair clips on mine when I was 8w old. I did not mind though..coz I looked prettier with the hair clips..I guess. Moreover people will recognize right away that I am a baby girl. Mommy could get so irritated when people passed by and said "oh..what a cute baby boy.." or simply "is it a boy?"...come on...I am obviously wearing pink...what the...

I liked sitting on my rocking chair and then falling asleep. It was 2mo old me.

When mommy held me, I liked to sleep on my tummy. It's very comfortable. Even when mommy was busy in front of the computer, I still did not mind to sleep through..
I was 2mo 2w old.

It was summer, Daddy and I felt so hot, so we took off our clothes. Mommy thought that we were cute. I was 2mo 2w old.

I liked tummy time and I have been an expert in smiling since I was 2mo 16day old.

Mommy and Daddy took me to La Ronde - recreational park for the first time when I was 2mo 19day. It was fun!

Even though I liked to smile a lot, sometimes I did not like to be photographed. This was 2mo 3w me when I was fussy. I was wearing beautiful summer dress given by Ompung Bulan. Thank you Ompung...

Mommy taught me to cover my nose if something stinky nearby. This was 3month old me.

I loved these two dolls and still do. I always sleep with them around me. Mexxie the turtle and Whity bear. Mexxie was given by auntie Ai Lin, and Whity was from auntie Sari. Thank you aunties...

I was 3mo old and was a big girl. The baby tub seemed so small..